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- 1220 - Gustave Born
- 1227 - Departure from Homeland
- 1227 - Gustave Exiled
- 1228 - The General's Memories
- 1232 - Gustave 12 Years Old
- 1233 - Gustave and the Blacksmith
- 1235 - Gustave 15 Years Old
- 1235 - Wil's Departure
- 1235 Wil's Departure
- 1236 - Desert Megalith
- 1236 - Reunion
- 1238 - Infiltrate! Alexei Gang
- 1239 - Mother's Sickbed
- 1239 - Showdown! Alexei
- 1240 - Conquest of Wide
- 1242 - Gustave and the Pirates
- 1244 - At the Mines
- 1246 - Beyond Grand Valley
- 1247 - Father's Sudden Death
- 1247 - Landing
- 1247 - Tycoon Wil
- 1248 - Battle of Buckethill
- 1248 - Gustave's Reunion
- 1249 - Construction of Hahn Nova
- 1250 - The Firebrand Tragedy
- 1251 - At the Mines (Collapse)
- 1256 - Anima Faith Fiasco
- 1257 - Wil vs. Egg
- 1260 - Johan the Assassin
- 1264 - The General's Memories
- 1269 - Gustave's Successor
- 1269 - The Southern Fort
- 1271 - Hahn Nova in Flames
- 1275 - Into the Forest
- 1276 - To the Monster Nest
- 1277 - Life Tree Island
- 1280 - To the Fossil Cave
- 1285 - To Cast a Rainbow
- 1288 - Death of Cantal
- 1290 - Misty's Plot
- 1290 - Return of the Egg
- 1291 - Deadly Battle with the Egg
- 1292 - Kelvin's Last Battle
- 1300 - Fake Gustave Arrives
- 1301 - Edelritter
- 1305 - Battle of Hahn Nova
- 1305 - Battle of South Moundtop
- 1305 - Ginny's Adventure
- 1305 - Ginny's Departure
- 1305 - Insect Megalith
- 1305 - Peace Conference
- 1305 - Pursuing the Egg
- 1305 - To Gustave's Stronghold
- 1306 - Into the Northern Continent
- 1306 - The Last Megalith
- A Beginner's Guide to Romancing Saga 2
- Abandoned Castle
- Abandoned Keep
- Abyss Gate (Art)
- Abyss Lords
- Adamas
- Addis
- Adel Bellius
- Adill
- Adventure Log
- Adyllis
- Agatha
- Ahmad
- Air Screen
- Air Throw
- Aisha
- Aisha/Emperors SaGa
- Aisha/Romancing SaGa Re;univerSe
- Akitoshi Kawazu
- Albatros
- Albert
- Albert/Romancing SaGa Re;univerSe
- Aldora
- Alexandra
- Alkaiser
- Alloces
- Altours
- Alyce Ambrosia
- Amazio k
- Amazon
- Amethyst
- Ameya Aisling
- Amphitrite
- Amul Amut
- Andromache
- Andromeda
- Angle
- Anna
- Annie
- Annie/Romancing SaGa Re;univerSe
- Antonius Julanius
- Anzan
- Apollo
- Aqua Luna
- Aquamarine Caves
- Arakes
- Aran
- Arcane Quest
- Arcanians
- Arm Hammer
- Armand
- Armed Merchant
- Armic
- Armor and Shields
- Armored Maiden
- Armored Princess
- Arsenal
- Artful Slash
- Arthur
- Arthur Darlton
- Arts
- Arts (Romancing SaGa 3)
- Asellus
- Ashura
- Asigaru
- Aslana Melek
- Assassins' Guild
- Astel
- Astral Gate
- Aunas
- Aunus
- Aurefont
- Aurefont Mine
- Automaton
- Avalon
- Awakening
- Azami
- Azami/Romancing SaGa Re;univerSe
- BJ&K
- Baccarat
- BackFire
- Backfire
- Backslash (Unlimited Saga)
- Badger
- Bafal Empire
- Bai Meiniang
- Bai Meininang
- Balazquez
- Balmaint
- Balmant
- Bamboo Split
- Bandits Cave
- Barbara
- Barbara (Romancing SaGa)
- Barbara (Romancing SaGa)/Romancing SaGa Re;univerSe
- Barbara (Romancing SaGa 2)
- Bard
- Barracks
- Bartlett
- Basil Galeos
- Battle Formations
- Battle Rank
- Bayre Plateau
- Bear
- BearCrush
- Bear Claw
- Bear Crush
- Bear Paw
- Bear Slash
- Bear Swipe
- Beastmen
- Beatrice
- Beaver
- Benedict
- Berva
- Bio Research Lab
- Bison
- Black-Robed Figure
- Black Cat (Spell)
- Black Widow
- Black X
- Blacksmith
- Blade of Escata
- Blades of Wind
- Blind
- Blitz
- Blizzard
- Blood Suck
- Blood Sucker
- Bloody Mary
- Bloody Mary (Romancing SaGa 2)
- Bloody Mary (Unlimited Saga)
- Blue
- Board game
- Bodhisattva
- Boh
- Bokhohn
- Bokhohn's Pupil
- Bokuohn
- Bone Crush
- Bone Crusher
- Bonecrusher
- Bonnie Blair
- Bonnie Blair & Formina Franklyn
- Bopeep
- Boss Encounter Guide
- Boss X
- Boston
- Bottom of the Dry Well
- Boy
- Brau
- Brave Frontier
- Brawl
- Brawler
- Breezia
- Briza
- BrokenGlass
- Broken Glass
- Bruelle
- Brute Force
- Buffalo
- Bulwark
- Bune
- Buné
- Butcher
- Byak-Ko
- Byunei
- Caballero
- Call Back
- Camelia
- Canal Fortress Boss Guide
- Cantal
- Cappelia
- Capt. Silver
- Captain Hamilton
- Captain Silver's Cave
- Carrier System
- Casper
- Castle of Armor
- Cat
- Cat/Romancing SaGa Re;univerSe
- Cecilia
- Cemetery
- ChaosStream
- Chaos (Unlimited Saga)
- Chaos Stream
- Chapa tribe
- Chapa village
- Chapter 1: Adel Bellius
- Charl
- Chiago Lisboa
- Chichi
- Chips/Crowns
- Christoph
- Ciato
- Cielmer
- Cindy Campbell
- City Guard
- City Thief
- Classes (Minstrel Song)
- Claudia
- Claw
- Closed Delta
- Cloudia
- Clover
- Clyde Blackstorm
- Cockatrice (Spell)
- Coil
- Coliseum Ruins
- Collection of SaGa: Final Fantasy Legend
- Collection of SaGa Final Fantasy Legend
- Colleen
- Combination Attack
- Combo
- Compass
- Conditional Tech
- Constance
- Coppelia
- Coral Sea
- Cordelia
- Corkscrew
- Cotton
- Court Mage
- Crafting House
- Creator
- Creeper
- Crimson Flare
- CrossSlash
- Cross Break
- Cross Cut
- Cross Cutting Lunge
- Cross Slash
- Crossing the Desert
- Crowns/Chips
- Crumbling Castle
- Cruncher
- Crusader
- Crystal City
- Crystal Lake
- Curse of Death
- Cursed Gauntlet
- Curtis
- Custom Arts
- Cut In
- Cut Timber
- Cutting Lunge
- Cyborgs
- Cyclone
- Cyclone (Unlimited Saga)
- Cyclone Squeeze
- Cyfreet Boss Guide
- Cygnus
- Dagul Bos
- Dagul Bos' Castle
- Damage Calculation
- Danger in the Mines
- Dantarg
- DarkShift
- DarkSphere
- Dark Blade
- Dark Shift
- Dark Sphere
- Dark Wash
- Darque
- DeadEnd
- Dead End
- Dead Haunter
- Dead Hunter
- Deadly Palm
- Death
- DeathCurse
- Death (Spell)
- Debug Room
- Deflect
- Deianira
- Deidamia
- Deities' Table
- DelayOrder
- Delay Order
- Deployment
- Desert Guard
- Desert Lance
- Desert Mirage
- Desert Ruins
- Despair
- Devin
- Diamond Dust
- Diana
- Diana (Minstrel Song)