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Cyclone Squeeze

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Cyclone Squeeze

Cyclone Squeeze being cast on Natalie
Vital statistics
JP Cost 4
Element Water+Wind
Special Affect Can stun target

Cyclone Squeeze (サイクロンスクイーズ) is a Spell from Romancing SaGa 2.

Main Series Appearances[edit]

Romancing SaGa 2[edit]

Cyclone Squeeze (サイクロンスクイーズ) is a fusion magic from Romancing SaGa 2. It requires a global water magic level of 15 and a global wind magic level of 15. When used, it does damage and has a high chance to stun the enemy. Many monsters encountered also use this magic, which can make it very deadly if there is a large monster group due to the spell's high stun success rate.

Mobile Game Appearances[edit]

Imperial SaGa Eclipse[edit]

Romancing SaGa Re;univerSe[edit]

Cyclone Squeeze
A[Possessed by Magic] Liz Lynn Wood
S[Feared and Respected] Narwhal's Daughter
S[Genbu Arts Specialist] Undine

Other Appearances[edit]

SaGa THE STAGE: Return of the Seven Heroes[edit]

Appears as サイクロンスクィーズ, used by Subier in Act 2 of the play.
