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Venus is a New God and a major villainess from SaGa II/Final Fantasy Legend II, based loosely on the Roman goddess of the same name but possessing a more arrogant and uncaring attitude: she ruled over her own city where she exiled anyone that didn't live up to her extreme standards of "beauty" - including an unfortunate soul by the name of Leon who had a wounded leg. Not only did Venus kick him out of her city for this "impurity", but also ordered his former fiance Flora to marry a more "suitable" groom, in the form of Nils.
Throughout their stay in the city, the heroes of the story are lied to by Venus about the existence of magi and have to hunt it down themselves, only to have a Power Magi stolen from them by Leon - by the time the heroes return back to Venus' city, she has already ordered the wedding ceremony between Flora and Nils to begin, residing over it personally.
However, a distraught Leon crashes the ceremony and maddened by his love for Flora tries to take on Venus, but is no match for the goddess: when Flora tried to protect her true love from Venus, the goddess continually abuses her until she too snaps and cuts her face, leaving a scar - so as to be exiled. Venus shows no sign of stopping and the heroes of the story finally confront the goddess and defeat her, freeing the inhabits of the city from her tyranny.
Venus is a hard battle that is going to require a good balance between defense and strong offense. She has 3000HP and comes with the Null Element ability, making most offensive magic useless. She uses the Blitz Whip, Flame spell, Charm, and Death spell for her main offense.
It is recommended to have a Flame shield or two to protect your party from her main physical and fire based attacks. Humans and Robots should focus on using powerful physical based weapons against her. Espers will depend on their spells and abilities, but if they have healing, they should be team medic. If they happen to have Psycho Blast or Flare by some chance, then these spells will work wonders against her if the user has a high enough magic stat. Monsters will largely depend, but players should focus on having one that is not weak to fire attacks, and either has a powerful physical attack, or some non-elemental attack like Drain Touch to bypass her defenses.
Venus is surprisingly susceptible to both Sleep and Petrify, though the chances of them landing are not great, still having Stone Skin or a sleep spell can give your party some reprieve.
Venus will allow an Esper to learn Rank 6 spells, so it may be wise to save before fighting her and reload a few times for the chance to learn a few good spells. Defeating her rewards the party one of each normal Magi type and the Aegis Magi which will give the whole party Null-Element for a round when used in battle.
Other appearances[edit]
Romancing SaGa Re;univerSe[edit]
- See also: Venus/Romancing SaGa Re;univerSe
“ | Goddess and ruler of beauty. Seeks beauty unmarred by imperfection and values nothing else. Rises above all and endures only that which is subordinate to beauty. | „ |
~ Character description |
Venus appears as an obtainable character. The regular versions of Venus are obtainable as gacha units from the regular gacha pool.