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SaGa Frontier 2 character
Sir Kelvin
ケルヴィン (Keruvin?)
Gender Male
Race Human
Age 14-71
Height N/A
Weight N/A
Appearances SaGa Frontier 2
Emperors SaGa
Imperial SaGa
Type Playable character

Kelvin (ケルヴィン Keruvin?) is a playable character from SaGa Frontier 2. Gustave XIII makes Sir Kelvin's acquaintance after moving to Jade with his mother Sophie. The boys form a friendship for life. Kelvin has an aristocratic sense of duty and noble bearing. He is, after all, raised to become the Count of Jade. Kelvin is one of the few people whose opinion Gustave values.





Kelvin first appears when Gustave is Jade and has built his training steel sword. Wishing to test it out, Gustave drags Flynn to the local mountains to fight monsters. Kelvin arrives in the town to warn the citizenship that bandits had been reported within the mountains. When one of the locals mentions Gustave and Flynn are there, Kelvin takes it upon himself to go find them. He eventually encounters Gustave a ways into the cave, learning that the two had encountered the bandits with Flynn taken hostage. Gustave convinces Kelvin to join forces to rescue him, which he reluctantly agrees to. The two save Flynn but Kelvin and Gustave simply trade insults and return home.

A year later, Kelvin is present at a party his father is holding and one that Gustave and Flynn crash. He watches as Leslie chastises Gustave for his poor manners and wonders if there is something more to their relationship to Flynn.

A few years later, Kelvin learns that Sophie is dying and is asked by her to find Gustave. He travels back to the mountains to find him training in order to get his mind off his mother's impending death. Kelvin chastises Gustave for leaving knowing his mother's time was almost up, but Gustave confesses his guilt over feeling that she would have lived longer had they not been exiled because of him. Kelvin consoles Gustave and the two return back to Jade where Gustave receives Sophie's final words.

Kelvin is not seen again until after Gustave has conquered Wide. By this point, the two have grown much closer and Kelvin serves as Gustave's advisor and friend. Having grown up Gustave and painfully aware of all of his mental hangups, Kelvin skillfully helps Gustave to achieve his goals. He takes care of Wide while Gustave travels the world and he helps Gustave to become a capable leader. After Gustave XII's death, Gustave is hesitant to return to his homelands to reclaim his birthright, partly out of his bad memories and partly due to his lack of experience in warfare. Initially, Gustave's troops believe Kelvin is advising Gustave to stand down but when they confront him on the matter, he confesses that he's been actually trying to convince the young lord to go to war. Understanding they need Nebelstern's help, Mouton is able to get in contact with Cielmer to convince the General to come out of retirement and serve Gustave as commander of his armies. Kelvin leads troops during the Battle of Buckethill and helps Gustave reclaim his birthright.

Kelvin then serves Gustave as the Lord of Jade and weds Gustave's sister Marie after her divorce from Otto of Cantal. They have two children, Charles and Philippe III who both go on to serve under their father and Jade.

After Gustave's death, Kelvin tries to keep control of his country, but soon finds himself embroiled a war for years against Otto of Cantal, who takes the opportunity to try and take Gustave's territory for himself. Otto begins attacking vassal states which convinces their lords in Hahn Nova to abandon Kelvin to return to their own lands to protect them. Convincing some of these lords to help him conquer other vassal states, he plunges Gustave's empire into a series of proxy wars which Kelvin is unable to stop. When Lord Cantal marches on Hahn Nova, Kelvin is forced to abandon Gustave's capital due to his own troops being battle worn and wishing to return to Jade. The capital is not attacked by Cantal, and instead becomes overrun by monsters and thieves. Philippe III tries to rescue the city but soon becomes quickly overwhelmed until a dragon appears and saves him.

Kelvin watches as Cantal conquers most of Gustaves territory, but Cantal's victory is short lived as he dies not long after his victory and his lands are consumed by the squabbling and division of territory by his eighty children. In the wake of Cantal's death, Sir Kelvin forms alliances and manages to regain control over his former country at the age of 67. He is attacked by Duke Edmund of Laubholz and his army, but manages to emerge victorious. However, incessant fighting over rulership and territories plague Kelvin, until two years later his Anima finally leaves his body, aged 71. Kelvin's victories are soon squandered by his reckless son Prince Charles, who wages war like Cantal to retrieve what was lost. Instead, it will be Kelvin's grandson, King David, who will finally reunite Gustave's territories and fulfill both Gustave and Kelvin's ambitions.


Scenario History[edit]

Scenario Name Year Age
Gustave 15 Years Old 1235 14
Mother's Sickbed 1239 18
Battle of Buckethill 1248 27


Kelvin is an all rounder type character with good proficiency with Spears and a talent for Flame, Stone, Tone and Beast Spell Arts. Despite the wide range of proficiency, his best elements are fire and stone. He's tied with Cordelia in second place for Spear growth, but doesn't have as many scenarios to show this off.

He starts the game with the Life Water spell which makes him invaluable to Gustave's early sections with him. He also comes equipped with the rare Birch Ring accessory which grants the user Life Water as well as several great defensive bonuses which can be helpful up until the end game.

Kelvin's strength and usefulness in battle will largely depend on how much effort the player chooses to counter his weaknesses. Kelvin is only available as a playable character in a handful of early story missions, and these missions are incredibly short. If you take the time to level him in the early game, or even wait to play these scenarios until later after acquiring better equipment in the Knights Family Scenarios first, he can be made into a fairly strong fighter. Yet, even without these methods, you'll find Kelvin is a capable support fighter due to his flexible build and growth.

Kelvin's best attribute is the large repertoire of spells he can naturally spark. He's able to spark at least two spells per element, though it is difficult to gain Tone and Beast in the chapters he's available to fight monsters in.

Kelvin's ideal Roles will be likely supporting ones, but he can utilize most roles depending on what you need him to do.

Stat Growth[edit]

HP WP SP M. Arts Swo Axe Sta Spe Bow Tre Sto Fir Wat Ton Bea
4 4 8 0 2 0 0 8 2 1 4 4 1 2 2

Spell Art Sparking[edit]

Tree Stone Fire Water Tone Beast
Delta Petra

Recovery Breath



Stone Armor


Guard Beast

Sonic Sanctuary

Flame Naga

Soul Hymn

Water Hammer

Call Thunder

Spoil Wave

Sonic Sanctuary

Stone Memory


Howling Heaven



Starting Equipment[edit]

  • Wood Spear
  • Stone Knife
  • Caster Cloth
  • Birch Ring
  • Fur Boots

Other appearances[edit]

SaGa Compilation Trading Card Game[edit]

Kelvin appears as an obtainable card.




Main characters
Gustave XIII - Wil Knights - Narcisse - Tyler - Rich Knights - Ginny Knights - Cordelia
Recruitable characters
Gustaf - Roberto - Labelle - William - Primiera - Kelvin - Cielmer - Meythia - Nebelstern - Nina - Eleanor - Diana - Patrick - Greta - Watts - Raymond - Sargon - Johan - Julia - Ventarbre
The Egg
Minor characters
Cantal - Nicolette - Marie - Gustave XII - Sophie - Misty - Nicholai - Peter - Philippe - Prince Charles - King David - Fake Gustave - Flynn - Leslie - Dirk
Arts and Spells - Roles - Scenario and Quests - Items - Bestiary - Status Effects - Shop Mechanics
Perfect Works - Art Books - Soundtrack