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Greta (SaGa Frontier 2)

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First scenario Edelritter - 1301
Gender Female
Age 25
SaGa Frontier 2 Character

Greta (グレタ?) is a minor character in SaGa Frontier 2, who only appears in one scenario.

Along with her brother Watts, she journeys with Sargon to defeat the monster hordes in the Rock Quarry. When the party solves the mystery, a rather unusual event transforms Watts and Greta into Slimes, both of whom leave an unconscious Sargon behind. After awakening, Sargon is approached by Fake Gustave, who offers him a position of power in his growing army.

Scenario History[edit]

Scenario Name Year Age
Edelritter 1301 25

Starting Equipment[edit]

  • Stone Knife
  • Buckler
  • Leather Armor
  • Wood Shoes


Main characters
Gustave XIII - Wil Knights - Narcisse - Tyler - Rich Knights - Ginny Knights - Cordelia
Recruitable characters
Gustaf - Roberto - Labelle - William - Primiera - Kelvin - Cielmer - Meythia - Nebelstern - Nina - Eleanor - Diana - Patrick - Greta - Watts - Raymond - Sargon - Johan - Julia - Ventarbre
The Egg
Minor characters
Cantal - Nicolette - Marie - Gustave XII - Sophie - Misty - Nicholai - Peter - Philippe - Prince Charles - King David - Fake Gustave - Flynn - Leslie - Dirk
Arts and Spells - Roles - Scenario and Quests - Items - Bestiary - Status Effects - Shop Mechanics
Perfect Works - Art Books - Soundtrack