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Timeline Battle

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Timeline Battle interface in SaGa Scarlet Grace: Ambitions.

Timeline Battle (タイムラインバトル)[1] is the name of the battle system introduced in SaGa Scarlet Grace and later used in SaGa Emerald Beyond. In both iterations, it is a round-based battle system that represents all player and enemy actions on a horizontal timeline. Unlike similar RPG combat systems that show action order, the placement of actions on the timeline represent both the action order and the tactical position of characters. This is used in conjunction with game mechanics such as United Attacks to incentivize movement across the timeline during battle to gain advantages.


The timeline is represented as a horizontal layout showing the faces of each character in battle, with turn order executing from left-to-right. The initial placement of all actors for each round is determined by each character's stats, the enemy AI's chosen actions, the actions taken the previous round, and other background RNG factors.

Action Selection & BP[edit]

Unlike other SaGa games, characters lack individual skill resource values such as MP/JP seen in previous games. Instead, each side is given a party-wide pool of BP to allocate between all characters for that turn, represented as a number of gold stars. At the start of each turn, allies and enemies select actions by allocating their BP for each character. When actions are being selected, allies may move forward or backwards on the timeline depending on the Tech being selected.

Conditional Techs[edit]

Main article: Conditional Tech

To take advantage of the information given by the timeline, Conditional Techs are introduced that move characters across the timeline in response to specific events that trigger during battle.


SaGa Scarlet Grace[edit]

Timeline Battle interface in SaGa Emerald Beyond.

SaGa Emerald Beyond[edit]

Emerald Beyond introduces the addition of empty spaces to the timeline. Allies and enemies are placed on a 12-space horizontal timeline with varying distances between each of them.

Each action in battle has a colored Combo Range displayed underneath characters' icons. Depending on the characters' placement on the timeline, these Combo Ranges can connect to form United Attacks, linking the Techs & Spells being used for increased damage based on the attacks' Combo Rate. United Attacks that reach a Combo Rate of 150% or over have a chance of initiating a followup unblockable United Attack called Overdrive, using a random selection of offensive Techs & Spells from each participating member. United Attacks that achieve a Combo Rate of 200% or more will be guaranteed to trigger an Overdrive, and Overdrives can even lead to further Overdrives if the Combo Rate reaches sufficient levels. Bonus Combo Rate can be generated by performing actions such as defeating enemies and creating new Combo Range links during a United Attack, rewarding careful positioning and targeting in battle.

Other mechanics are affected by positioning on the timeline; for instance, some weapons are able to Block/Evade attacks easier from enemies attacking from either before or after the user on the timeline, and Techs such as Airwave target all enemies that act after the user. Many Techs with Conditional effects give characters a way to further manipulate timeline positioning by moving directly next to specific targets to perform advantageous attacks, allowing players and enemies alike to perform or disrupt United Attacks more easily.

If any character performs an action with two empty spaces in front of and behind them on the timeline without being interrupted, the character will initiate a Showstopper, a self-sufficient version of United Attacks using only that character's Techs & Spells. The character will be given their own pool of BP for the Showstopper using any leftover BP, that wasn't used during that turn's action selections. During Showstopper, the character will first perform the initial action selected, then follow with a chain of random offensive Techs & Spells selected from their action list until either all BP is depleted or until each individual Tech/Spell has been used once. Techs/Spells in Showstopper cannot repeat, and while Showstoppers generate Combo Rate, it is used only for damage as Overdrives are not possible with Showstoppers. Only one Showstopper can be performed from either side each turn; for example, a Showstopper performed by an ally will deny an enemy from performing a Showstopper even if said enemy is spaced correctly to start one.

Romancing SaGa 2: Revenge of the Seven[edit]

Main article: Timeline

While Romancing SaGa 2: Revenge of the Seven is marketed as having Timeline Battles, functionally the battle system is distinct from Scarlet Grace and Emerald Beyond and more closely resembles the battle system found in Square Enix's Octopath Traveler.


SaGa Scarlet Grace director Masahiro Kataoka.

The initial concept of Timeline Battles was proposed by series creator Akitoshi Kawazu to game director Masahiro Kataoka during the development of SaGa Scarlet Grace. Originally, Kawazu's idea of the timeline was to have it go on infinitely and represent an indefinite amount of time, but this was decided to be too difficult for players to enjoy properly. While the timeline's intended function is to give players enough information to consider the enemy's actions and make varied decisions, elements of the timeline system were designed to also add unpredictability and a feeling of drama to battles.[2] This can be seen in mechanics such as information on enemy conditional Techs being hidden from the player.


  • While functionally much different than Timeline Battles, the battle system in UNLIMITED Saga uses a precursor concept of combining turn order & positioning, as well as selecting no actions as a form of defense. The order of action selections in UNLIMITED Saga determine the likelihood of which characters are targeted by enemies, with characters chosen first being more easily targeted. Characters that have no actions chosen during a turn will cycle out of the front lines to recover HP, and are safe from any attacks.
    • SaGa 3 Jikū no Hasha: Shadow or Light uses a timeline system that sets the basic foundation of what would later become Timeline Battles in the series, having similar basic timeline strategies as those later seen in SaGa Emerald Beyond. The timeline in Shadow or Light is represented on the top screen within the bottom left corner as a row of player & enemy icons. Combos can be performed by allied characters on either player or enemy sides if they are adjacent to one another and using the appropriate skills. Different actions affect the placement of allies on the timeline. Enemy Combos are displayed in advance on the timeline and can be broken by moving characters in-between their turns.



Main characters
Urpina - Leonard - Taria - Balmaint
Supporting characters
Antonius - Elisabeth - Kahn - Sigfrei - Lewis - Hongswan - Sasha - Francis - Mondo - Arthur - Aslana - Chiago - Elysed - Adill - Victoria - Roh Sung - Griffin - Ogniana - Paul - Strumiknen - Maximius - Irene - Arch Witch - Tissisaaq - Camelia - Sabit
Other characters
Aleksandra - Angle - Armored Maiden - Beatrice - Black-Robed Figure - Casper - Cecilia - Chichi - Kreisa - Clover - Colleen - Compass - Ereich - Gabriel - Giselle - Guinevere - Hagar - Hilda - House - Ignatius - Isaac - Jamto - Jerome - Julia - Keegan - Kenji - Kumi - Lamar - Lord Stabiae - Luna - Muiredach - Marion - Mirane - Nasir - Lady - Nessa - Nemain - Nolan - Orville - Patricia - Queen - Raphael - Rico - Robert - Snail - Socrates - Solon - Tomato - Yohman - Zigor
Twelve Celestials
Adamas - Astel - Bartlett - Diemazu - Imhokiel - Kada - Marigan - Macha - Shaams - Tejedura - Tukuz - Uzume
Old Gods
Firebringer - Savnok - Balor - Aranea - Chiyou
Sublime Spirituals
Earth Serpent - Phoenix - Blackworm - Sublime Spiritual of Natura
Northeast Boundary Sea Bridge - Outpost - Finemundi - Village of No Presence - Everbloom Tree - Porta Inferni - Abyssal Swamp - Fang Terrae - Spirit Lake - Adamas Shrine - Snowy Hut - Glacier Walls - Frozen Ship - Winter's Door - Frozen Fiend - Forest Dweller
Marchiam Normi Child Walk - Maiden Cliff - Moorhead - Ostdorf - Westdorf - Castle Kubera - Gusty George - Yomitana Sluice Gate - Neyott Thermocavern - Hide Hive - Yokilis Shaft - Tidemarch - North Sea Ruins - Snow Queen
Provincia Thracini Mt. Plinio - Elhuacan - Josgad Stable - Stabiae - Sea Bridge - Mulkna Sluice Gate - Nakisina Sluice Gate - Yomitana Sluice Gatee - Pantheon - Kusama Geyser - Old Geyser - TeHoru Geyser - Madayanti Stone - Daji Stone - Tamamo Stone - Rahol Knoll - Mira Cave - Nugia Hollow - Yuaba Shaft - The Creature of Lake Mulkna - Earth Serpent - Enigmatic Egg - Collector Nest - The Creature Returns
Provincia Termina Schut - Castle Knym - Moorhead - Josgad Stable - North Gate - South Gate - Taria's Workshop - Raven Manor - Liuhuang Vent - Beast Den - Wam i Mine - Phoenix - Earth Serpent - Bloody Howl
Provincia Cindrea Imhokiel Dam - Kilik - Taiffa - Yumen - Sanhigh - Ur-Saqqara - Saqqara - Castle Knym - Perrault Cave - Basile Hole - Syowyo Mound - Grimms Mine - Earth Serpent - Karkinos
Marchiam Ria Ferrol - Betanzos - Coruna - Muros - Arousa - Pontevedra - Vigo - Abandoned Village - Cocoon - Water Mirror - Festival Stage - Faerie Stone - Fiends' Nest - Omni Relief
Mare Ilfee Edinport - Battlwick - New Wise - Longstone Lighthouse - Limerock Lighthouse - Middle Range Lighthouse - Sugar Castle Lighthouse - Gard Island Lightvessel - Hazard Reef - Mermaid Rock - Phantom Warship - Charybdis - Eilean Ceo - Spirit Coal Mine - Diemazu Temple - Diemazu Shrine - Driftage Coast - Provincia Thracini Border - Provincia Cerenaif Border - Cave of Zihg - Wanderer of the Seas
Provincia Cerenaif Castle Parm - Zegna - Nipelo - Cingular - Water Mill - Imhokiel Temple - Westend Graveyard - Central Cemetery - Eastend Cemetery - Spring Cave - Castello Guscio - Haunted State - Labyrinth - Pyro Mine - Roadblocker
Provincia Rhonicum Silmium - Lug - Nekwa - Castle Parm - Marigan Temple - Fort Kathrin - Boathouse - Tveak Tower - Lyajg Bog - Drear Rock - Earth Serpent - Dark Forest - Trampling Despair
Provincia Gradion Testika - Sanhigh - Yumen - Hibernian Border - Bicornia - Pixkimarigan - Adamas Tower - Fort Kathrin - Forest Hut - Bollinger Mine - Jardina Mine - Tula Mine - Shrine - Budding Desire
Urbs Azhuacan Central Palace - North Market - South Market - Black Market - Imperial Library - Marigan Temple - Kada Temple - Macha Temple - Imhokiel Temple - Astel Temple - Diemazu Temple - Shaams Temple - North Pier - South Pier - Teleportation Device - Arena - Trampling Despair
Provincia Hibernia Grove of Silence - Ceobhran - Makulilkali Fortress - Castle Fomoire - Teach na Macha - Rainbow Bridge - Fire Aes Mine - Earth Aes Mine - Water Aes Mine - Sealed Cave - Earth Serpent - Grasslands Cabin - Gora Heights - Lofty Malice
Provincia Jusitania Grumon - Castle Fomoire - Misery - Nanim - Deserted Village - Astel Convent - Spira Tower - Tveak Tower - Seaside Shop - Carl Falls - Donseilla Mine - Lupagal Cave - East Jungle - West Jungle - Enigmatic Skeleton - Stash of Suspect Goods - Man Swinging Pickaxe - Collector Nest - Beckoning of the Abyss
Marchiam Bicyniro Nekwa - Pescara - Anchiano - Caprese - Maelstrom - Noono Forest - Aslana's Studio - Diving Well - Cave Stuffed with Treasure - Cave Crammed with Fiends - Place with the Final Boss - Trampling Despair
Southeast Boundary Nameless Peninsula - Birdman Village - Moa - Torii - Enigma Jungle - Fork Falls - Phoenix's Nest - Blue Hole - Hole of Chaos - Corner Isle - The Confounder
Provincia Kei Castle Kohan - Nangoon - Owtie Arbor - Taiffa - Rowsui Tower - Bullio Gate - Azhuacan Ferry - Mountain Hut - Nomadic Settlement - Unremarkable Tree - Old Well - Sigfrei's Well - Pot Falls - Rugged Mountain - Somondoco - Great Arch - Earth Serpent - Phoenix - One Who Sates the Earth
Provincia Maurehua Prayer Tower - Kilik - Shaams Temple - Owtie Arbor - Gusty Gorge - Halsa - West Mine - North Mine - South Mine - Hot Spring - Phoenix - Collector Nest - Hot Springs Rana
Marchiam Megdasse Highsha Quarters - Highsha Observation Tower - Walomir Quarters - Walomir Observation Tower - Kaikow Quarters - Kaikow Observation Tower - Nyu Quarters - Nyu Observation Tower - Megdasse Floodgate - Bullio Gate - Secret Passage - Lake Megdasse - Spiritdrop Cave - Stardrop Cave - Infernodrop Cave - Fragata Mine - Mono Dungeon - Reiche Caves - Giant Plant - Megdasse Glyphs - Apple Tree - Tornado - Walomir Sheep - Earth Serpent - Chupacabra
Marchiam Yaxart Stahl - Astel Shrine - Rowsui - Bartlett Shrine - Diemazu Shrine - True Diemazu Shrine - Imhokiel Gate - Kada Shrine - Macha Shrine - True Macha Shrine - Rowsui Tower - True Marigan Shrine - Shaams Shrine - Tejedura Shrine - Tukuz Shrine - Twai - True Uzume Shrine - New Cave - Mysterious Cave - North Hole - West Knoll - East Dungeon - South Shaft - Forbidden Point - Burned Dancer - Phoenix - Earth Serpent
Marchiam Numadica Imhokiel Gate - Chyokun - Belike - Ashina - Excavation Sites - Destroyed Temple - Coastal Keep - Salt Cave - Shaams Cave - Weapon-Like Object - Hive - The Weakest of All
Ancient Cities Ei-Hanum - Dizahab - Ur-Saqqara
Mechanics Recruitment - Techs (Spark charts) - Roles - Formations - Mercenary Missions
Inventory Armor - Items - Weapons
Lore Twelve Celestials - Infernals - Spirituals - Scarlet Grace - Great War - Minstrel's Tales - Masquerade Theatre
Other Translations - Achievements - Sidequests
Protagonists Tsunanori Mido - Ameya Aisling - Bonnie Blair & Formina Franklyn - Siugnas - Diva No.5
Starter Allies Musashi - Komachi - Sukune - Boh / LoLo - Shinobu Kato - Macha (Copy) / Meow - Hiss - Purr / Warrior - Philosopher - Lifetaker - Hero - General - Champion / Boudica - Wednesday - Blath - Imakoo
Recruitable Allies Scarecrow
Mechanics Timeline Battle - United Attack - Overdrive - Showstopper - Conditional Tech - Character Stats - Glimmer - Mimic - Absorb
Inventory Weapons - Armor - Materials- Key Items
Lists Weapon Techs - Spells - Monster Techs - Mech Techs - Formations - Roles
Worlds Avalon - Delta Base - Miyako City - Witchdom Pulchra
Work in Progress