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The Last Emperor/Empress (Imperial SaGa)

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The Last Emperor
Imperial SaGa
Vital statistics
Gender Male
Race Quarter-shishigami, half-human
LP 7
Health Around 300
Recruit Area Chapter 4
Defense {{{defense}}}
Rank Emperor
Attack {{{attack}}}
Agility {{{agility}}}
Usable Magic {{{usable magic}}}
The Last Emperor
Imperial SaGa
Vital statistics
Gender Male
LP 7
Health Around 300
Recruit Area Chapter 4
Defense {{{defense}}}
Rank Emperor
Attack {{{attack}}}
Agility {{{agility}}}
Usable Magic {{{usable magic}}}
The Last Empress
Imperial SaGa
Vital statistics
Gender Female
Race Quarter-shishigami, half-human
LP 7
Health Around 300
Recruit Area {{{recruit area}}}
Defense {{{defense}}}
Rank {{{rank}}}
Attack {{{attack}}}
Agility {{{agility}}}
Usable Magic {{{usable magic}}}

After Adel is questioned by Elore by which route he will seek, Adel may choose between 3 routes:

Holy Route, Dark Route or Egg Route.

The last successors of the Altermenos empire are:

Holy Route:Lazareth(Big Sword) and Iris(Epee).

Dark Route:Ivan(Epee) and Olga(Hammer)

Egg Route:Finith(Spears).

In the end, the emperor/empress, fights Vadagara in some way.

Holy:Vadagara himself.

Dark:Corrupted Nemea

Egg:Via The Egg.

Both Holy and Dark successors refer Adel as a father.