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Lita Caryx

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SaGa Emerald Beyond character
Lita Caryx
リタ キャリクス (rita kyarikusu?)
Gender Female
Class Blue Witch
Appearances' SaGa Emerald Beyond
Voice Actor
Type Playable

Lita Caryx (リタ キャリクス rita kyarikusu?) is a recruitable character in SaGa Emerald Beyond.

"More characters who can join the retinue in #SaGaEmeraldBeyond includes Lita, a blue witch from the Witchdom Pulchra.

Supposedly she masquerades as a journalist by the name of Shungiku Hanabusa, but it isn’t clear whether this is Lita in disguise, or somebody else entirely."[1]

Other appearances[edit]

Romancing SaGa Re;univerSe[edit]

See also: Lita Caryx/Romancing SaGa Re;univerSe
From the Witchdom Pulchra, a blue witch who controls wood magic. Lita is the daughter of the Blue Sage and the first candidate to become the next Sage. Has a harsh personality fitting for a witch. Her familiar is a frog.
~ Character description

Lita appears as an obtainable character. The regular versions of Lita are obtainable as gacha units from the regular gacha pool.
