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The Sevenfold Tail

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The Sevenfold Tail is a side-quest in Unlimited Saga, available from Gadeira.


You simply need to reach the end of this fairly long linear map in order to complete the quest. However, at certain points up the trail you will be assaulted with heavy gusts of wind that, if you fail a Reel System check, will knock you back 1 place. Landing on green will let you remain in the position you are, while a red cross or dynamite will knock you back (and occassionally drop a monster on you).

At the very end of the map you must successfully overcome 3 Reel System checks in a row to reach the goal. If you fail one, then it is possible for you to be blown all the way back to the safe area (up to 3 places back). If you are able to overcome the wind and reach the summit then the quest is completed.

Number of turns: 200


The Sevenfold Tail is a fairly long, linear map scattered with 7 waterfalls and split into 2 separate sections. You start at the bottom of the trail and must make your way up to the summit, passing the waterfalls on your way. During The Sevenfold Tail quest the 7 waterfall locations act as safe-points where the gusty wind cannot affect you.

You will need the use of the Road Guide skill to explore, especially as this map contains lots of treasure bags.

This map is also used in the side-quests Seven Waterfalls and Legendary Leviathan.


  • Aquans
  • Insects
  • Wildlings
  • Beasts

Notable Items



  • Treasure seeking on this particular quest can be troublesome as each time you remain in a certain position you increase the chance of a gust of wind coming and blowing you back.