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Town of Hero

From SaGa Wiki
Revision as of 19:18, April 20, 2011 by gkFFlegend (talk) (Created page with "right|300px&nbsp After leaving the tower the first town you encounter is the Town of Hero. In the center of the town is a statue the Statue of Hero. at the s...")
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After leaving the tower the first town you encounter is the Town of Hero. In the center of the town is a statue the Statue of Hero. at the statue Charcter 1 proclaims "Char1: Something missing from this statue.--."

The town also contains an Inn, Item Shop Weapons shop, House of Life and a pub. The charcters here explain how the statue use to wear a Sword, Armor and a Shield. You learn that these items have been taken by the kings of the same name, and each king wants each peice so they can rule the world.