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Growth Panel

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The Growth Panel system is a character development system in Unlimited Saga.


Each character in the game posses a Growth Panel which is a 7 hexagonal field grid (2-3-2) with different panels of different levels on it. New panels are obtained after each quest. The game makes the whole system very complex due to the fact that a lot is determined by various factors.

  • Where you put the panel.
  • What is the level of the panel.
  • What panel you put.
  • What panels are put next to it.
  • What "making" of the specific attribute or magic the character has.

The Grid and positioning

The Growth Panel features 7 fields and icons which represent the attributes and magic levels around it. Whereas the 5 attributes have permanent locations, the magic schools are positioned differently for each character, but always in the same order as in the Taoism: Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood, clockwise. A school of magic will always be next to 2 atributes and vice versa. The atribute/school of magic is affected by the panel closest to it, but due to the fact that the Growth Panel has 7 fields, 6 if we ignore the center one, which is not dividable by 10 nor 5, some atributes/magic schools are split between 2 panels.

  • Top Left- Has some effect on Strength and Endurance, has big effect on the school of magic next to it.
  • Top Right- Has some effect on Strength and Skill, has big effect on the school of magic next to it.
  • Center Left- Has some effect on Endurance and the school of magic next to it.
  • Center- Has some effect on all atributes and magic school levels.
  • Center Right- Has some effect on Skill and the school of magic next to it.
  • Bottom Left- Has big effect on Magic, has some effect on the schools of magic next to it.
  • Bottom Right- Has big effect on Spiritl, has some effect on the schools of magic next to it.

Panel levels

Just like weapon skills, Panels come in 5 different levels in 5 different colors, the higher, the better. The higher level, the more the stats will be increased and same goes for the abilities of the panel. Usually all panels you'll get at the end of the quest will be of the same level, however exceptions where the panels will be of 2 different levels do occur.
It's hard to tell what exactly determines what panel level you'll get, it can be the damage, the fact if the character was in any fight, used any skills.

  • Level 1 - Green - The lowest level, regardless of that, very hard to get. To get a panel of such low level one would have to almost perfectly avoid any battle nor use any abilities throughout the entire quest and still chances would be that the character obtains a higher level panel. Most likely to be found on someone's starting growth panel than to learn.
  • Level 2 - Blue - A fairly low level, but rather only occuring during the beggining of the game. Still, experienced players sometimes can manage to avoid Level 2 panels throughout the entire game.
  • Level 3 - Pink - The most common panel, can be obtained even at the start of the game should the player do a marvelous job and at the end of the game should the player do very badly.
  • Level 4 - Red - A panel obtained quite late in the game. Some players end the game with these.
  • Level 5 - Gold - The ultimate panel level. Some players manage to beat the game without ever obtaining a single one, very rare and challenging to get.

Panel types

The most important factor in determination of what attribute bonus the character gets is the type of panel that's being put. Each panel has different abilities and also is best for raising different attributes.

Weapon Panels

These panels are very important and have several effects, which are all higher/different the higher the level of the Panel:

  • They make it easier to spark new weapon skill when using the weapon of which the panel is.
  • With the exception of guns and Shields, they also have an affect on the damage dealt with the weapon.
  • They sort the spots on the reel, so it becomes easier for the player to hit the higher level spots.
  • In the case of Shields, Knives, Staves and Swords, it increases the deflection rate of the items if they have the right evasion ability.
  • They have a far higher chance to raise an attribute than magic level, with the exception of Daggers, Bows and Shield where it's just slightly bigger, and Staves which have a higher chance of raising magic school levels.
Name Icon Name Icon Name Icon Endurance Fire
Punch Fist Dagger Dagger Staff Staff Gun Gun
Kick Fist Sword Sword Bow Bow Shield Shield
Throw Fist Axe Axe Spear Spear