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Romancing SaGa 2 Events

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  • Events with (R) in their name means that they are exclusive to the mobile version/re-release of RS2, or someone hacked the SNES game.
  • Spoilers are abound, so read at your own peril.
  • I shall list events that happen after Gerard defeats Kzinssie.

Help the Mountain Monks

  1. Enter to Nibel's PUB, two men talk about the Mountain Monks, speak with them and highlight the first option.
  2. Enter the Dragon's Cave and Karl, the Mountain Monk asks you to get rid of the slime monster that is in the cave, since he can't defeat it. Accept it and enter the Monster Cave.
  3. Fight your way into the slime, then fight an Smart Gelatin.
  4. Return to the Dragon's Cave and report your victory with Karl, one of those may happen
  •  If you defeated the stationary demon monster, Karl will get angry and attack you, defeat him, and you shall fail this quest.
  • If you returned to Dragon's Cave after defeating the Smart Gelatin, he shall rid the cave from monsters and you shall be able to recruit him. But you must follow him into the depths of the cave!

Canal Fortress

  1. Sleep at Gerard's bed, go to the weapon shop and enter the furnace.
  2. At Avalon's roofs, make your way into a window, Gerard spots Cat and she will run away, exit the building, and eventually you'll see Cat being attacked by demons, highlight the first option and defeat the monsters, Cat thanks you.
  3. Go to the PUB and highlight all options.
  4. Go to Avalon Graveyard and speak with the old man.
  5. At the Thieves Guild, speak with Sparrow, then speak with Cat, they shall accept working into finding a passage at Canal Fortress, but you must help them with monsters at Avalon's Sewers.
  6. At the Sewers, make your way to the stationary Aquatic enemy and fight a Deep One.
  7. Return to the Thieves Guild and speak with Cat, she then goes to Canal Fortress.
  8. Enter a small basement and Cat shall be there, speak with her and she will reveal you a passageway.
  9. Make your way into he fortress, knives shall be in your way to guide you into he boss.
  10. Prepare yourself, because this fight shall be the hardest up to now, a Viking, a Lizard and the Pyro Rex.
  11. After this, you should undergo a Generation shift. Ah, the descendants of Cat and Sparrow shall be recruitable, also, Canal Fortress becomes Miramar.

Monsters at Tefal Mines

  1. Go to Tefal, and speak to an NPC to open up the Gemstone Mines.
  2. Defeat the boss on the 2nd Floor to clear the quest and add another source of Revenue to your taxes.

The Saigos Clan

(There is a chance Dantarg can appear in this quest as a boss instead of the random monster selected to be a boss)

  1. At Tefal, talk to the old lady to open up Ludon Highlands, head through the south exit of that area to reach North Nazelle
  2. At Saigos village, speak to the people there to learn of the Oubilettes which have monsters in them.
  3. Clear the nearby Oubilette and then head back to learn from the people there of the Herding grounds, speak with the Mu Herder to hear of his plight, accept the quest he gives and clear another Oubilette. Return to the Herder afterwards to add North Nazelle to the Empire.

Lost Child and Calf

  1. From North Nazelle, head across the straight to South Nazelle and speak to the Herder to learn that a calf and child went missing in a nearby cave.
  2. Enter the cave and follow the sounds of the Calf's cries until you reach the depths
  3. Defeat Dantarg and rescue the child and Calf, then report back to the Herder to clear the quest and have the Mu Herders as allies.

The Imperial Merchants of Avalon

(This Quest can end in 3 Ways)

  1. At Mobelm head to the building in the northwest, depending on who is the emperor, you may overhear information, or the Merchants will scatter.
  2. If you got information, head to Tefal and talk to the Bartender to learn of the path to Cape Chalier
  • Reach Nuono to catch the Merchants by surprise and they will cooperate
  1. If the merchants run, just head to the ship moored at the docks and head below deck.
  2. Speak to the NPC at a room in the back and you can either fight him or ask to ally.
  • If you choose to fight and win against the Merchant, you can take the ship directly to Nuono via the cave system where you will make a choice.
  1. If you ask to ally, he will mention that the mines are assailed by monsters and if you clear them out, he will give you passage to Nuono.
  • The Mines will then be open, head to the lowest level, but head through a wall in the back to find the boss, defeat it and return to Mobelm.
  • Report back to the quest giver and then you will be off to Nuono, just head to the deck, down below and then to the deck again to dock at Nuono
  • After you reach Nuono you will be asked to accept a fee for protection, do so to ally with the Merchants.

The Menace of the Savannah

  1. Stay at Ostro village for a night and then you will be woken to the sounds of screaming, choose to enter the hole that appeared in the center of the village
  2. Head to the depths of the hole to fight the Hive Queen, defeat her and report to the Hunter in the southeast building of Ostro to complete the quest.

The Emperor and the Mermaid

(Note, you can fail this if you do not do it in one go and your Emperor must be male)

  1. Head to Atlanticus in South Longit and talk to the NPCs until it gets dark
  2. Head into the bar, watch the scene and leave
  3. Repeat 2 more times and then after the scene, head out the back door and head to see the dancer turn into a Mermaid.
  4. Speak to a woman in one of the houses to learn of the Witch's Sanctum
  5. Head to the Sanctum and speak with the Witch to learn of how to make a Merman Potion
  6. Collect the Ingredients
  • The Sea Swallow Nest is in Toba, head east until you reach the cliffs, climb to the top and claim the Nest
  • The Lake Aqua Water is at Lake Aqua in the Ludon Highlands, head west and try to take some water, the Nereid will tell you she will only fork it over if you get a Moonlight Comb
    • Head to the Mole Village and speak to an NPC in the eastern end of the village to learn of how to make a Moonlight Comb
    • Head to the Full Moon Inn at Avalon and stay there to capture moonlight.
    • Return to the Mole Village with the moonlight and you will get the Comb
    • Return to Lake Aqua to be permitted to take the Lake water and the Nereid shall be recruitable as well.
  • Head to Ostro at the Savannah and speak with the Hunter to learn of the Eggs, head to the eastern most part of the Savannah and fight a Pyrohydra
  • After the battle, the bird will hatch out of the egg, take the shell
  1. Return to the Sanctum and speak to the Witch to get the potion
  2. Head to Atlanticus and go to where the Mermaid fled to, go in 3 times and then talk to the Mermaid for the Emperor to Abdicate, completing the quest.

The Maze of Memory (R)

  1. At Mobelm, speak with an NPC near the southern docks for him to mention ancient ruins in South Longit.
  2. Head to South Longit and check the map to find the location.
  3. When you enter the area, there are 4 orbs, each leads to a unique dungeon, defeat the boss at the end of each and collect their treasure of each boss to unlock a Yellow Orb in the middle of the hub.
  4. There you will fight Dread Queen, defeat her to complete the quest.